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Breaking Bad final season

On August 11 the infamous Heisenberg returned...with all of his money, mischief, and conniving plots.


Last season left us hanging, or rather literally, Hank, hanging while he read through Gale’s notebook filled with inspiration from W.W. Reading Gale’s notebook led to Hank’s recollection of the discussion he had with Walt regarding the Heisenberg case, therein he realized Walt is the mischievous drug lord Hank has been chasing for years.

While Hank busies himself with proving Walt is Heisenberg, Walt busies himself with lying to his partner about the death of Mike, getting out of business with Lydia, and continuing to run the car wash with the ever-so-lovely Skylar.

All the while Jesse Pinkman is busy with...being miserable and seemingly wanting to get out of the universe. After Jesse and Mike’s weird, brief bond of friendship during the latter half of last season, Jesse is clearly depressed in the first episode of this final season since Mike’s disappearance.


The first episode didn’t bring up any new news or twists into the plot, but it’s apparent that we’re in for a real will the season continue since Hank finally figured out Walt’s secret? Will Walt die of his returned cancer before Hank gets his justice?


(I wonder if that nursing home does an investigation and finds out that Walt planted that bomb...beating Hank to the punch.)


And the infamous ricin: whose fate lies in the little glass vile? After all that Walt has been through and all that seems to have been taken away, it seems likely that it could be his own.

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