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By Allie Windergerst               Aug 15, 2013

 MTV’s Girl Code- witty and accurate

Every time I go to my parents’ house, I immediately take advantage of their free cable (since I’m a poor college student and refuse to pay for it myself). Usually, that means Law and Order SVU marathons or catching up on bad MTV shows. That’s how I discovered MTV’s Girl Code and ladies and gents—it’s a gem. It features several female comedians including Jessimae Peluso (she’s my favorite), Nicole Byer, Carly Acquilino, and Jamie Lee, among several others talking about girl rules and girl problems. They’re hilarious. I’ve seen every episode at least twice and I still laugh every time.  Their points are funny, extremely relatable, and pretty accurate:

They say things we’re all thinking but are too polite to say:
They point out how a lot of men think:
And the truth about how girls think:
They share the excuses we all make:
And provide proof that we all make this face while putting on Mascara. (Don’t lie, you know you’ve looked in the mirror and seen yourself doing this. I know I have and I’m not ashamed to admit it.)
They aren’t afraid to be real with themselves:
 Girl Code: honest, reassuring, and just plain funny.
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