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By Alyssa Soto    Oct 3, 2013 

From classic to modern: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” That famous line has been getting more attention lately and it has not been from avid readers.


One of my greatest passions is Pride and Prejudice. So when a web series was created based on my favorite book ever written, it is safe to say that I flipped out. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a web series based off of Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice created by Hank Green and Bernie Su.

 “I don’t have time” or “it’s old and boring” are no longer excuses not to indulge in this literary classic. It is now adapted for the non-reader! Each video lasts about three minutes and gives a snippet of the story of Pride and Prejudice. This hundred-episode series follows Lizzie Bennet, a sassy grad student attempting to deal with life through a series of video blogs.


The plot of Pride and Prejudice has been adapted to fit modern culture. Through the videos we meet Lizzie’s techie best friend Charlotte, her kind hearted older sister Jane, her spastic younger sister Lydia, the eligible Bing Lee, the ruggedly handsome George Wickham, the eccentric cousin Mr. Collins, and the beautifully misunderstood William Darcy.



With the witty dialogue and relatable characters, it’s no surprise that LBD recently won an Emmy. All of the videos can be accessed on the Lizzie Bennet Diaries YouTube channel. Once you watch one you will just HAVE to watch them all. And once you have stayed up countless nights watching 20 in a row (trust me…it happens), you can move to the other web series' that “Pemberly Digital”, is producing like the current series Sanditon and the newest Emma set to release on October 8. 

What makes this web series so unique is the level of immersion that the show uses. Each of the characters have Twitters and Instagrams. You can literally follow the story in real time through their tweets and pictures. Even between episodes, social media will keep the storyline going. Instead of just watching a show, you feel like you are a part of the story and the journey that the characters take.

From Jane Bennet's LooksByJane Tumblr. 

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