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Finishing your semester strong

By Andrea Pingel   March 27, 2014

Coming back to school after spring break can be rough. There are only a handful of weeks left, but they are jam packed with projects, tests, and papers. Your mind is still on the beach, but you need to focus on your classes. Don’t fret; here are some tips to make your journey to the end of the semester less rocky. 


Take some time to look at your syllabi and write in your planner every assignment and test you have left. It may be overwhelming to look at, but being able to see a map of your remaining semester will help you crack down and get to work. It will also give you a sense of accomplishment when you can start crossing some assignments off your list.


Plan fun activities for your weekends. Having excitement to look forward to always makes the days go by faster. Whether it is a day trip to the neighboring town to go shopping, or a hike in the woods, your weeks will start to fly by if you schedule some down time with your friends and family.


Structure your week days wisely. Don’t waste your time by procrastinating with activities that won’t benefit you. Instead, when you are feeling bored with your homework, switch to a different subject or class to mix up your studying time. BUT, if there is absolutely no way to get your mind focused on school and you HAVE to procrastinate, do so by doing something that will benefit you. Work out, read a book for leisure, get your grocery shopping done – using your down time wisely will save you from stressing out in the long run.


Talk with your advisor and make sure you are on the right track. There are horror stories about seniors about to graduate, only to have their diplomas withheld due to a general course that they forgot to take. Your advisor will help you plan out your remaining semesters to ensure you do not get behind your graduation schedule.


Treat yourself when you do well, and don’t beat yourself up if you do bad. After a long day of classes, work, and studying, treat yourself to ice cream or a manicure. Go out of your way to reward yourself for a day well spent. On the other hand, if your day doesn’t go so hot, don’t make yourself feel bad. Allowing yourself to wallow in your misery won’t get your work done any faster – move on and remember there is always tomorrow.

Finishing Your Semester Strong
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