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Ten reasons Gossip Girl ruined my life. Seriously.
Before you start the show, Georgina should give this little disclaimer and make you sign a waiver.​ Because these 10 reasons resonate with all GG fans, whether they admit it or not.


Chuck Bass

Pretty self-explanatory. Squashes every girl's dream of the perfect man because no one will ever compare.


The Fashion

So many beautiful clothes, so little money for us middle class Iowa residents.


The Endearing Bitch

Blair Waldorf’s bitchiness is not endearing in real life… no matter how hard I’ve tried to  make it work.  



PGG (Post Gossip Girl), I see that a dutiful, protective, Polish maid is a must-have.


The Feels

No scene in television will ever beat the Blair/Chuck comforting scene after a certain funeral.


The Takedowns

No matter my friend group, we will never be able to takedown anyone like the NJBC could.



The Lingo

I frequently use terms like “Bass-hole” “Bass-sectomey” and “Mother Chucker” People stare. It gets awkward.


The Music

I bought all of the songs from the show... well a good majority of them and have no money left.


The Timesuck

I’ve invested exactly 3.5 days of my life watching the whole series once… and re-runs much more than that. I’m looking at you season 6 DVD.


The Obsession

I became completely obsessed and I’m loving every minute of it. Thanks Stephanie Savage!

July 9, 2013

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