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By Allie Windergerst and Maggie Martin       Aug 29, 2013

The CPC Back to School Playlist

Allie's Playlist

It’s been a pretty weird couple of weeks for my music tastes.  Between being dumped and school starting, I’ve felt a lot of things—which is why most of these choices sort of feel like “one of these things is not like the other.” Then again, I’ve never been known for music tastes that are consistent or make sense. (This is probably due to the fact that I look like the kind of person that’s been locked in a closet listening to Disney Music for the last ten years when in reality I can bust out all the words of “No Diggity” on any given occasion.) 


Anyway, here’s what I’ve been listening to lately:

1. Power Trip- J Cole ft. Miguel (Explicit)

I’m not really sure why I love this song but I can’t stop listening to it. His song “Work Out” is also one of my favorites. 

2. You Know What I Mean-Cults 

I really adore this song. This fan made music video is pretty great as well.

3. Adele-Skyfall (Sammie Trap Remix)

I’ve listened to this song at least one time per day since my friend showed it to me a few weeks ago. It’s my go to walking to class song. I don’t usually like remixes but I almost like this more than the original.

4. “Run Run Run”-Celeste Buckingham
5. The Daylight- Andrew Belle

Maggie gets the credit for showing me this song, but oh boy is it good. I love it. 

Maggie's Playlist

Annnd because I haven’t uploaded a playlist in a while, I’m going to hijack Allie’s article and list the five songs I’m listening to on the bus ride to class. I can’t say that I have the same eclectic taste, but I think these are a good mix of depressing and uplifting tunes.

1. Hold Me- Royal Teeth

This song is the epitome of summer. Royal Teeth came to Des Moines last week and I was so bummed that I could not see them in concert.

2. Young Girls (Demo)- Bruno Mars

Bruno, you could honestly get me to do anything with your voice. I prefer the demo version of this song, but the original is pretty decent as well.

3. Start of Time- Gabrielle Aplin

This song came from that fateful scene in Teen Wolf (yeah, yeah) between Lydia and Stiles this season. It was magical. That is all I have to say.

4. Oh, Emily- Jukebox the Ghost

Jukebox the Ghost is always a good choice. This song is no different.

5. Keep Me Dreaming- American Authors

Check out this compiled playlist on YouTube! Enjoy.

I found American Authors on Pandora a while back and it has been one of my greatest discoveries to date.

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